**3-Year 36,000 Mile Warranty On All Repairs (Includes 50% Rental Discount. Call for details)

Auto Repair Services in Tulsa

RC Auto Specialists in Tulsa, OK provides auto repair services on all makes and models. We offer comprehensive diagnostic services as well as complete auto service. From scheduled maintenance to complete overhauls, we do it all!

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Are you looking for an honest, trustworthy, and experienced mechanic to repair or maintain your vehicle? RC Auto Specialists can provide the highest quality service in the Tulsa area. Our mechanics have more than 80 years of combined experience. While we specialize in Ford and diesel vehicles, we are fully capable of repairing any make or model.

You deserve a mechanic who you can trust to diagnose the problem quickly and to get the job done right, which is why you should not hesitate to obtain an estimate from a Tulsa auto repair professional at our shop. We handle all types of repair and maintenance issues.


Hire a Tulsa Mechanic from RC Auto Specialists

Trust your vehicle to the specialists at RC Auto Specialists if you are looking for an honest mechanic in Tulsa. We specialize in Ford and diesel vehicles but are fully capable of maintaining and repairing any other vehicle. Call now or bring your vehicle to us to receive an estimate on your auto service. We provide precise diagnostics so that we do not waste your time and money. Contact us right away for the trustworthy auto services that you need!


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