Your vehicle needs lots of fuel to run, but not just any fuel, clean fuel. When your fuel isn’t clean, the fuel injectors in your vehicle can begin to get clogged up. When this happens, your vehicle’s engine may not get the correct amount of fuel at the right pressure to run efficiently. This can effect your fuel economy and the performance of your vehicle as you drive around Tulsa area. This can also result in the accumulation of harmful deposits on valves and in the combustion chamber of your engine, which could lead to costly engine repairs later down the road.
This is the very reason why all vehicles have a fuel filter which is located somewhere between the fuel tank and the engine. It is the fuel filter’s job to clean out little pieces of dirt and contamination that is present in a lot of the fuel we buy. The filter traps the dirt and contaminants and removes them out of the fuel stream. Eventually, the filter will get clogged up and need to be replaced. Here at RC Auto Specialists, we can gladly replace your fuel filter.
The engine cannot get the fuel it required if the fuel filter is clogged, and as a result the vehicle may sputter when you accelerate or at high speeds. As your vehicle gets older, you may be required to replace the fuel filter more regularly. This is because additional sediment and rust builds up in the fuel tank and can be drawn into the fuel system. Your fuel filter is the fuel gateway to your engine in order to protect expensive engine components and to maintain your vehicles performance and fuel economy.
Schedule an appointment at RC Auto Specialists today, for a fuel filter replacement service.