You might be surprised at just how many different automotive fluids are available for Tulsa auto owners. With each passing year come new grades of fluids for your vehicle including transmission and brake fluid, coolant and even engine oil. Having the right fluid in your vehicle ensures maximum performance and avoids costly complications. Using the wrong fluids can result in expensive damage to your vehicle.
Engine Oil
Synthetic oil is typically the standard oil used when a vehicle leaves the factory. Tulsa drivers are encouraged to only use the recommended grade and type of oil specified in their auto manual to ensure it performs it’s best at all times. If you’re unsure what your vehicle has or should be using, consult your auto mechanic.
Auto Coolant (Antifreeze)
In past times, coolant, also referred to as antifreeze, was a green color. Nowadays you will find different colors of coolant when shopping at RC Auto Specialists in Tulsa. Why the different colors? Each type of antifreeze is meant for a particular vehicle and will protect the components of your cooling system. Using the wrong antifreeze in your vehicle, that is designed for a different type of vehicle can void your own vehicle’s warranty and possibly damage the engine.
Brake Fluid
When looking for brake fluid, you’ll likely notice them labeled at DOT 3, DOT 4 or DOT 5. This is likely going to confuse you if you’re unfamiliar with brake fluid. Each vehicle driving on the Tulsa roads are designed to use only one of these fluid types so make sure yours has the correct one. Your brake system is designed for one, not all. The numbers don’t necessarily represent a better grade of fluid.
Obviously, it’s important to understand that your vehicle requires a particular grade and type of fluid for each running component and using the right ones while avoiding the wrong ones is very important. Having an understanding of this and the fact that you shouldn’t blindly purchase the fluids for your vehicle is crucial. Our honest, qualified RC Auto Specialists can advise you on the right fluids for your vehicle and point this information out in your owner’s manual to help you now and in the future.
Call RC Auto Specialists today to schedule your car or truck’s next auto service or repair.