Power Stroke Repair Tulsa is the best place where you can go, our 5 stars review is a sign of our dedication and how pleased our clients are regarding our businesses. Keeping your car taken care of is really important in order to have a car that fully works and is in great condition. We don’t want to be on the highway and out of nowhere the engine light turns on or black smoke starts coming out of your hood. By giving us a call or entering or website we can take a look at your car to figure out what it needs and how it is doing in order to avoid any further non desirable circumstances
When working with us, Power Stroke Repair Tulsa we promise to stick by our beliefs which are honesty and the satisfaction of our clients. When visiting our shop you won’t ever have to worry about your car staying with us for over weeks or spending an insane amount of money unnecessarily. We want the best for our clients and value their business and it’s why we always do the best we can at all times and earn our fabulous reputation and reviews. Making our clients happy is one of our goals
When getting your power stroke we encourage you to trust the best in towns, Power Stroke Repair Tulsa. We never disappoint our clients because our service is always the best and the quickest. To prove our compromise to our clients we are open as early as 7:30 am. another way we demonstrate how valuable our clients are is by offering a 3 year warranty and this includes 50% off rentals so you can still do your normal activities even when getting your car serviced
Our reviews are proof of our hard work and we are proud of it. 98% of our clients refer to a friend or a family member, meaning they are satisfied and want their loved ones to experience the same thing. Our reputation is also the outcome of our actions and we are so grateful for all our clients who take the time to review us. I wanting to contact an specialists we would need your name, phone number and email and with that simple information we would get your inquiry and a staff member will get in touch with you as quick as possible to get on work as soon as possible
Please contact us at (918)872-8115 so that we can schedule an appointment or answer your questions that are important to us, by checking our website at rcautospecialists.com you can learn more about us, our services, watch out video testimonials and so many other things, I encourage you to not think about it twice and just make business with us, your best option. In our website you sii also be provided some auto repair tips at no cost, they are just there for you to inform yourself and solve any quick issue at the moment