come to Ford Diesel Repair Tulsa for all of your Ford repair needs.We have a combined 80 years of experience working together to go to shop for everyone. We know what we are doing and we would love to show you that today. We are providing BG certified Services every time we are touching your ford. it is additional coverage on your Ford through BG lifetime protection plans. come to an expert you can trust, we are the best at what we do so come in today and see what we can do for you.
If you want the best then come to Ford Diesel Repair Tulsa too. We do all forward repairs on EcoBoost repairs, F Series repair, fleet services, for repairs such as ignition, engine, and even electrical work. You should choose us because we are great at personalizing services for you. We have friendly services that are always being provided for you and you will not have to go into a depersonalized shop that is running around not knowing what they’re doing and costing you more money. Our team has many years of experience working on Fords and we usually have high quality reliable affordable replacement parts for your vehicle.
Come See why we are ready for five stars here at Ford Diesel Repair Tulsa. We are BG certified and that means that we are highly qualified to work on your car and we are backed by the lifetime BG protection plan. We are excellent at what we do and we have an excellent reputation so come in and see just how great we are. We have thousands of customers that have chosen us for all the auto service needs. We have an entire team that is working to make your Ford run smooth. We provide No Nonsense evaluations on all of your forward repairs as well as your Ford maintenance needs.
We provide honest and Reliable Auto Services that you can trust time and time again. So come in today and see how we can help you with all your four repair needs. Your air conditioning is not running right. We can help with that too. Our RC Specialists are absolutely amazing at helping diagnose what is going on with your air conditioner and why it is not blowing out cold air anymore. We can help with Freon leak detection, temperature testing, compressor inspection, evaporator inspection, accumulator inspection, thermal expansion valve inspection, and so much more.
We are the absolute best and we cannot wait to service your vehicles. we want you to be able to check out all the services that we can provide for you today so go ahead and take a look on our website at if you have any questions about the services that we can provide for you today then go ahead and give one of our talented team members a call today at 918-872-8115 and they will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have regarding any of your services.